Grey Muzzle Grant
Opens Feb 20 2024 05:01 AM (EST)
Deadline Mar 21 2024 12:01 AM (EDT)

Welcome! And thanks for all your great work to help senior dogs.

The Grey Muzzle Organization has one grant cycle annually. The 2024 grant cycle opens on Tuesday, February 20 and all applications must be received by Tuesday, March 19 at 11:59 pm ET. Please start your grant submission by creating an account and password (greater than eight characters). If you applied for a grant during a previous grant cycle, please log in with your username and password. If you've forgotten your password, you can get help HERE.

Read more about our process in our Frequently Asked Questions on our website.


Your organization must be:

  • A 501(c)(3) as defined by the IRS
  • Willing to host an on-site visit by a Grey Muzzle board member

The specific program for which you are applying must:

  • Benefit senior dogs exclusively
  • Have well-defined goals
  • Include measurable outcomes


Please note that innovative programs not specifically listed may also be considered.

  1. Create or help expand foster programs specifically focused on finding homes for senior dogs.
  2. A program to prevent owners from surrendering senior dogs to shelters as a result of economic circumstances.
  3. Medical care and other programs that increase the potential for senior dogs to be adopted.
  4. Medical expenses for in-home, short-term hospice care for senior dogs who are unable to be medically rehabilitated but who can live their final days in a place of love, security and peace.
  5. Long-term, in-home care programs for senior dogs who are not adoptable.
  6. A program to help people find new homes for senior dogs when they can no longer keep them. In particular, working with senior citizens who must relinquish their senior dogs due to a change in circumstances, such as moving to assisted living.
  7. Helping senior dogs give back to society; for example, training senior dogs as therapy dogs or involving the dogs in activities sponsored by assisted care facilities.
  8. Building a Seniors-for-Seniors adoption program.

Once your grant is approved:

  • You must provide a final report using the Grant Report form which we will provide and participate in a mid-grant phone interview to discuss what’s working, challenges faced, and lessons learned.
  • You will be asked to submit brief success stories and photographs from the Grey Muzzle-funded program.
  • You must consent to Grey Muzzle using any pictures or stories from your program in our printed or online media and marketing materials.  We always acknowledge our grant recipients when using their pictures or stories.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Grey Muzzle Grant

Welcome! And thanks for all your great work to help senior dogs.

The Grey Muzzle Organization has one grant cycle annually. The 2024 grant cycle opens on Tuesday, February 20 and all applications must be received by Tuesday, March 19 at 11:59 pm ET. Please start your grant submission by creating an account and password (greater than eight characters). If you applied for a grant during a previous grant cycle, please log in with your username and password. If you've forgotten your password, you can get help HERE.

Read more about our process in our Frequently Asked Questions on our website.


Your organization must be:

  • A 501(c)(3) as defined by the IRS
  • Willing to host an on-site visit by a Grey Muzzle board member

The specific program for which you are applying must:

  • Benefit senior dogs exclusively
  • Have well-defined goals
  • Include measurable outcomes


Please note that innovative programs not specifically listed may also be considered.

  1. Create or help expand foster programs specifically focused on finding homes for senior dogs.
  2. A program to prevent owners from surrendering senior dogs to shelters as a result of economic circumstances.
  3. Medical care and other programs that increase the potential for senior dogs to be adopted.
  4. Medical expenses for in-home, short-term hospice care for senior dogs who are unable to be medically rehabilitated but who can live their final days in a place of love, security and peace.
  5. Long-term, in-home care programs for senior dogs who are not adoptable.
  6. A program to help people find new homes for senior dogs when they can no longer keep them. In particular, working with senior citizens who must relinquish their senior dogs due to a change in circumstances, such as moving to assisted living.
  7. Helping senior dogs give back to society; for example, training senior dogs as therapy dogs or involving the dogs in activities sponsored by assisted care facilities.
  8. Building a Seniors-for-Seniors adoption program.

Once your grant is approved:

  • You must provide a final report using the Grant Report form which we will provide and participate in a mid-grant phone interview to discuss what’s working, challenges faced, and lessons learned.
  • You will be asked to submit brief success stories and photographs from the Grey Muzzle-funded program.
  • You must consent to Grey Muzzle using any pictures or stories from your program in our printed or online media and marketing materials.  We always acknowledge our grant recipients when using their pictures or stories.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Feb 20 2024 05:01 AM (EST)
Mar 21 2024 12:01 AM (EDT)